Friday, April 2, 2010

New Tool: Coordinating Mixed-Income Housing and Transit

HUD and the FTA, in conjunction with the Center for Transit Oriented Development, have unveiled a web-based Action Guide for developing mixed-income development near transit centers.

This site is part of federal efforts to better coordinate transportation and housing programs in order to promote affordable housing near transit. While not explicitly tied to the Sustainable Communities Initiative, it may provide some helpful ways to think about integrating housing, economic development, and transportation decision-making.

The guide is a multi-step process that leads users through a framework for identifying current issues, key opportunities, and appropriate strategies that might be addressed in planning processes or specific station area plans. The focus is on “mixed-income TOD” - shorthand to describe a mix of housing choices, affordable to a range of incomes, for people at different stages of life within a specific transit station area. According to The Center for Transit Oriented Development,“the goal of this guide is to help practitioners identify the most appropriate and effective planning tools for achieving MITOD in their transit station area, and ultimately to facilitate the development of mixed-income communities.”

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